Annie Burns most recently lived and worked in Cochabamba, Bolivia with Maryknoll Lay Missioners. There she and a fellow missioner worked with a rural community in the Andes mountains to open and run an after school program for the primary school students of the community. Before Maryknoll, she attended Loyola University Chicago, where a robust faith community empowered Annie in her spiritual practices and her hunger for justice. She graduated in 2016 with degrees in Business Management and Theology. A Cleveland native, Annie was excited upon graduation to connect with FutureChurch, a church reform organization in her hometown, and collect data regarding the participation of women in the work of the Vatican. This past month, Annie was able to attend FutureChurch’s pilgrimage to Rome, to look at the presence of women in the early church as represented in the catacombs of the Eternal city.



April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday

if we are able to move forward with mercy, grace, compassion, and camaraderie, with sincerity and truth, then the fear and despair, pain, and confusion of this moment will not last. And while we cannot guess where the Spirit may lead us, we can trust that the Spirit remains with us. We can trust that this moment, these burial shrouds, this empty tomb, are not the end of the story.

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