Lisa Sowle Cahill, Ph.D., J. Donald Monan, S.J., Professor at Boston College.  Dr. Cahill is a past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America (1992-93), and the Society of Christian Ethics (1997-98), and is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Her works include Global Justice, Christology and Christian Ethics (Cambridge University Press, 2013), Theological Bioethics:  Justice, Participation, and Change (Georgetown University Press, 2005), Bioethics and the Common Good (Marquette University Press, 2004), Family: A Christian Social Perspective (Fortress, 2000),Sex, Gender, and Christian Ethics (Cambridge University Press, 1996); A Theology and Praxis of Gender Equality (Bangalore:  Dharmaram Publications, in press); and ‘Love Your Enemies’: Discipleship, Pacifism, and Just War Theory (1994;  revised edition to appear in 2018). She is the editor of Genetics, Theology, Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Conversation (Crossroad, 2005), Sexuality and the U.S. Catholic Church:  Crisis and Renewal (Herder and Herder, 2006), and other works Dr. Cahill received her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Chicago Divinity School.  She is married to Lawrence R. Cahill, an attorney.  They are the parents of five children.



June 4, 2017


The Holy Spirit is God’s love in person—the One whom the Risen Jesus pours into our hearts to give hope and a way forward.

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