On the Feast of the Presentation, Anna reminds us to carry the light of Christ, which excludes no one, out into the world, to be beacons of the good news with our lives, especially for those who are marginalized. St. Anna, preacher and prophet, widow and elder, pray for us!
On the Feast of the Presentation, Anna reminds us to carry the light of Christ, which excludes no one, out into the world, to be beacons of the good news with our lives, especially for those who are marginalized. St. Anna, preacher and prophet, widow and elder, pray for us!
Let Jesus’s message that you are a unique and necessary part of the body of Christ, serve as a reference point that you can look to again and again, whenever you feel lost, disoriented, or like you do not belong.
Let Jesus’s message that you are a unique and necessary part of the body of Christ, serve as a reference point that you can look to again and again, whenever you feel lost, disoriented, or like you do not belong.
Like John the Baptist at the Jordan River, we are called to bear witness to the boundless love of God at work in our world today, in ways that surprise and challenge us, but ultimately lead us into deeper communion with one another and with God.
Like John the Baptist at the Jordan River, we are called to bear witness to the boundless love of God at work in our world today, in ways that surprise and challenge us, but ultimately lead us into deeper communion with one another and with God.
May we follow at the beginning of this Holy Year, this Jubilee, in which we are called to be pilgrims of hope, the example of these wise men, and all wise men and women of history, Christians and non-Christians, who made themselves pilgrims of hope listening to the voice of God and recognizing God’s action in their lives.
May we follow at the beginning of this Holy Year, this Jubilee, in which we are called to be pilgrims of hope, the example of these wise men, and all wise men and women of history, Christians and non-Christians, who made themselves pilgrims of hope listening to the voice of God and recognizing God’s action in their lives.
In a time when it may seem safest to preserve ourselves as individuals and avoid the risk of vulnerability, may we heed God’s radical invitation to love one another deeply and courageously.
In a time when it may seem safest to preserve ourselves as individuals and avoid the risk of vulnerability, may we heed God’s radical invitation to love one another deeply and courageously.
I invite all of us to be builders of peace, of justice, of respect for diversity and to look at and contemplate the poor and fragile Christ, wrapped in swaddling clothes, in a manger.
I invite all of us to be builders of peace, of justice, of respect for diversity and to look at and contemplate the poor and fragile Christ, wrapped in swaddling clothes, in a manger.
Her message of accompaniment- “Am I not here; I who am your mother?”- resonates with us today as it resonated with St. Juan Diego, and propels us to be courageous in how we respond to God’s calling, in how we spread God’s word and God’s love.
Her message of accompaniment- “Am I not here; I who am your mother?”- resonates with us today as it resonated with St. Juan Diego, and propels us to be courageous in how we respond to God’s calling, in how we spread God’s word and God’s love.
On this feast of the Immaculate Conception, let us remind ourselves that authentic discernment requires freedom and space. Let us ponder how we can imitate the freedom with which Mary discerned a big question.
On this feast of the Immaculate Conception, let us remind ourselves that authentic discernment requires freedom and space. Let us ponder how we can imitate the freedom with which Mary discerned a big question.
What will we do, this Lukan Advent, to prepare a way in the desert?We will see and seek reasons to rejoice, and we will share them. We will keep kindling even the smallest, and most domestic lights. And in our time and our place, we will be true partners in the Gospel.
What will we do, this Lukan Advent, to prepare a way in the desert?We will see and seek reasons to rejoice, and we will share them. We will keep kindling even the smallest, and most domestic lights. And in our time and our place, we will be true partners in the Gospel.
When we seek a life centered in abiding in God’s way, we are walking humbly with God. It is then that God guides the humble to justice and teaches us in the way of truth.
When we seek a life centered in abiding in God’s way, we are walking humbly with God. It is then that God guides the humble to justice and teaches us in the way of truth.
To belong to the truth is to form genuine connections, where love, empathy, and understanding bring the Gospel message to life in a way that reaches others deeply and meaningfully.
To belong to the truth is to form genuine connections, where love, empathy, and understanding bring the Gospel message to life in a way that reaches others deeply and meaningfully.