Mary is originally from New York but has made her home near Worcester, Massachusetts where she is a Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the College of the Holy Cross. Mary earned her PhD in theological ethics from Boston College and has pursued teaching and research interests in feminist ethics, health care ethics, and ethical issues that impact families, children, and young people. Most recently, she has co-edited with Jacob Kohlhaas, Modern Catholic Family Teaching: Commentaries and Interpretations (Georgetown University Press, 2024). Mary is active in the Society of Christian Ethics, the College Theology Society, Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church, and is a member of the editorial board for The Journal of Moral Theology. Mary is particularly passionate about inclusive excellence pedagogies and LGBTQIA+ justice. With her spouse Dennis, she is the proud parent of two grown children, Emma Rose and Declan.



October 6, 2024

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

I hope we can allow ourselves to transform these recesses and shadows into spaces of resistance and solidarity from which we might emerge sure of our dignity, sure of the Spirit moving through us, and sure of God’s love.

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