Mary Deeley (M.Div, Yale Divinity School; Ph.D., Northwestern University) loves to talk to people about where they find God in their lives. Mary parlayed an early degree in music into an abiding love for ministry and scripture.  She has taught and ministered in academic settings since 1978.   Currently, Mary serves as the Pastoral Associate and the director of the Christ the Teacher Institute for the Sheil Catholic Center at Northwestern University where she works with young adults and others in discernment processes, leadership development, spiritual direction, and education and formation.

Mary is the author of a Mothers, Lovers, Priests, Prophets, and Kings:  What the Old Testament Tells Us About God and Ourselves, Daybreaks:  Daily Reflections for Advent and Christmas, and Remembering God: Resting in the Midst of Life all published by Liguori Press, as well as numerous reflections on lectionary readings, scripture, campus ministry, and young adults.  

Mary is frequent speaker on such diverse topics as Evangelization, Discernment, Preaching, Liturgical and Celtic Spirituality, Prayer, and Ministry and Leadership. She particularly likes speaking with young adults about Catholicism and Discernment. When time permits, Mary teaches in different venues and facilitates retreats and days of reflection.



December 20, 2020

Fourth Sunday of Advent

It is sometimes hard to see how God is working in a world that is darkened by pandemic and civil unrest, and injustice toward the marginalized and vulnerable among us. Because of that, Advent is precisely the time to learn how God sees us.

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