Anna Robertson is Director of Distributed Organizer at Discerning Deacons. In the past, she has served as Director of Youth and Young Adult Mobilization at Catholic Climate Covenant and Campus Minister for Retreats at Seattle University, along with various experiences supporting families of women experiencing incarceration, serving in hospital chaplaincy, conducting research on collective memory in El Salvador, and accompanying students on international immersions at the intersection of faith and justice in Latin America. In 2024, she was the inaugural recipient of the Boston College Clough School of Theology and Ministry Young Alumni Leadership in Ministry Award. The common thread running through her work has been a passion for helping people articulate their stories and step into their power as protagonists of transformation toward a more just world.
Anna is a cradle Catholic with an eye toward the threads of mysticism that cut across faith traditions. She was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee and, since graduating from high school, she has called many places home, including Cincinnati, Central America, West Virginia, Boston, and Seattle. She has a Master’s of Theological Studies from Boston College Clough School of Theology and Ministry and a Bachelor of Arts in Theology from Xavier University in Ohio. In her free time, Anna enjoys practicing yoga, playing music, riding her electric bike around Seattle, petting other people's dogs, jumping into bodies of water, cooking, reading, and having heart-to-hearts with friends.
On the Feast of the Presentation, Anna reminds us to carry the light of Christ, which excludes no one, out into the world, to be beacons of the good news with our lives, especially for those who are marginalized. St. Anna, preacher and prophet, widow and elder, pray for us!VIEW
n the global synod, the Church has taken the incredible step of beginning to listen to women. The next step is to believe us. I think Jesus would have.VIEW