Those relationships in our lives in which we grow in discipleship, in compassion, justice, humility, and the other qualities we grow into in as we tag along with our brother Jesus—that’s where our family is.
Those relationships in our lives in which we grow in discipleship, in compassion, justice, humility, and the other qualities we grow into in as we tag along with our brother Jesus—that’s where our family is.
Being patient does not mean slowing down our efforts. Patience does not ask me to stay silent for fear of rocking the boat nor delaying until everyone is ready for change; for they may never be. Patience means do the work. Prepare the way!
Being patient does not mean slowing down our efforts. Patience does not ask me to stay silent for fear of rocking the boat nor delaying until everyone is ready for change; for they may never be. Patience means do the work. Prepare the way!
Discerning what is right for our lives always involves our bodies. Because no matter who else or what else the context might be, our bodies are always there, absorbing the impact.
Discerning what is right for our lives always involves our bodies. Because no matter who else or what else the context might be, our bodies are always there, absorbing the impact.
Perhaps situating this feast in its context of origin can provide a lens to situate ourselves as we end this liturgical year and ready ourselves for beginning again. How have we lived? How have we treated others?
Perhaps situating this feast in its context of origin can provide a lens to situate ourselves as we end this liturgical year and ready ourselves for beginning again. How have we lived? How have we treated others?
And this is exactly what Jesus needs us to realize. He needs us to get in touch with that desire. The desire to know and be known. We want to be wise. We want wisdom.
And this is exactly what Jesus needs us to realize. He needs us to get in touch with that desire. The desire to know and be known. We want to be wise. We want wisdom.
In our fight against exclusion, let us try to live consciously inclusive lives. In our work for the Reign of God, may we testify to the kind of world we are working towards.
In our fight against exclusion, let us try to live consciously inclusive lives. In our work for the Reign of God, may we testify to the kind of world we are working towards.
Our roles as educators, scholars, advocates, and followers of Christ call us to engage in thoughtful dialogue and actively work towards a society that upholds the rights and well-being of all, especially the most vulnerable.
Our roles as educators, scholars, advocates, and followers of Christ call us to engage in thoughtful dialogue and actively work towards a society that upholds the rights and well-being of all, especially the most vulnerable.
What happens when humanity confuses the things of God and the things of the emperor? If human greed interchanges the dignity of the planet with the pursuit of the coin, do we lose sight of what belongs to God and what belongs to the empire?
What happens when humanity confuses the things of God and the things of the emperor? If human greed interchanges the dignity of the planet with the pursuit of the coin, do we lose sight of what belongs to God and what belongs to the empire?
To say yes to walk the synodal way is be part of God’s work, reknitting the fabric of our belonging – to God, to one another, to creation – as Christ’s living body in the world.
To say yes to walk the synodal way is be part of God’s work, reknitting the fabric of our belonging – to God, to one another, to creation – as Christ’s living body in the world.