Diana Macalintal is the cofounder and codirector of Team Initiation and of Liturgy.life and is a widely-recognized leader in the areas of the catechumenate and Catholic liturgy and music. With a Master of Arts in Theology from Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota, she served in campus, parish, and diocesan ministries for over 30 years. She is an author, speaker, and published liturgical composer. Some of her books and contributions include: Your Parish Is the Curriculum: RCIA in the Midst of the Community (Liturgical Press); Catholic Marriage: A Pastoral and Liturgical Commentary (Liturgy Training Publications), and The Work of Your Hands: Prayers for Ordinary and Extraordinary Moments of Grace (Liturgical Press). On Holy Thursday 2024, she and her husband, Nick Wagner, moved to Oakland, California, to be closer to their parish of St. Columba, one of the country’s premier Black Catholic communities, where the parishioners teach them every day what hope in Christ looks like.



February 23, 2025

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Choosing to love is powerful. Choosing to love is resistance. Because choosing to love your enemy removes their power to define who you are and whose you are.

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