Dr. Jessie Thomas is a Lay Pastoral Theologian in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.  She holds a master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry from the Athenaeum of Ohio and a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from Aquinas Institute of Theology St. Louis University.

Her thesis titled Preaching from the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching highlights the relevance and importance of preaching the social gospel during the Liturgy of the Mass; it is specifically designed for Catholic priests and deacons who preach about the Word of God.  Today however, it is relevant to any Christian pastor speaking to his or her congregation.

In 2017, Dr. Thomas was honored to give the Benediction for the Martin Luther King Breakfast held annually at the Cincinnati Freedom Center.

In 2010, Dr. Thomas received the Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from the Congress of the United States of America on behalf of President Barack Obama for providing leadership in advocating social justice and equality for citizens of all backgrounds.

In 2001, Dr. Thomas was recognized by AARP, the Greater Health Foundation of Cincinnati and the Department of Health and Human Services for development of a promising practice Promoting Older,

In 1995, Dr. Thomas received the Human Service Award from the Cincinnati Coalition of Domestic Violence for Outstanding Contributions to the eradication of domestic violence in the older adult community of Hamilton County Ohio.

In 1992 following a lengthy nursing, Dr. Thomas was the recipient of the Showcase of Excellence in Nursing Award from Bethesda Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Throughout much of her pastoral work, Dr. Thomas has served as adjunct faculty for the Diaconate Office in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati teaching Homiletics II.  She is also a regular presenter and guest preacher throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.  Some of her topics have included the following:

Understanding Spirituality, preaching from the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching, Moving Forward Empowered by the Holy Spirit, A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence, Prophetic Preaching for the 21st Century, Preaching Across Cultures, Lectio Divina, Racial Reconciliation, who is my Neighbor? Bad Girls of the Bible, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: Trumpet of Conscience, Hope in the Midst of Silence, the role of the preacher to speak the truth about abortion, Unapologetically Catholic, Authentically Black, The relationship of the Word and the Eucharist during Mass.



March 5, 2025

Ash Wednesday

While the Lenten journey only lasts for weeks, our journey of life is forever. Every day is an opportunity to ask for God’s forgiveness. Every day you and I must be an outward sign of our faith as well as an expression of our repentance...

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