Jen is an Erie Benedictine sister, currently living in Erie, Pennsylvania. There Jen shares time with some of the terrific people of L’Arche as her full-time gig, and for fun teaches a couple of classes at Mercyhurst, a local Catholic college. She is an enthusiastic amateur musician – doing her best with the trumpet and French horn. Not so long ago Jen was an art teacher living and working in and around Boston, Massachusetts. Jen has a couple of graduate theology degrees from Boston College, and a degree in studio art from Hampshire College.

As a committed art student, Jen has held many random jobs. She has sold shoes, worked in a copy and print center, helped to run an after-school art program, and even spent two unpleasant weeks working at a pizza shop. And although her original plan of becoming a world-famous artist did not quite pan out, Jen is enjoying her pleasantly eclectic life. Jen was born and raised half-way in Hawaii, and the rest of the way in the Boston area. Jen misses the ocean but she thinks the lake is pretty great.



November 11, 2024

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

I have enough experience in and among poor and otherwise marginal communities to know there is dignity and value to allowing even the humblest of us to make real and even sacrificial contributions.

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