Patricia A. Parachini, SNJM, D.Min, is a Sister of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, living in Silver Spring, Maryland. Pat is a theologian and spiritual director. Pat has ministered as a professor of pastoral theology, preaching and spiritual direction in several graduate schools of ministry, i.e. Loyola University in Baltimore, the Washington Theological Union (WTU), St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore and the Catholic University of America. Pat has worked in various other ministeries: spiritual direction, hospital chaplaincy, campus ministry, catechetics, and teaching in elementary and high school. Pat contributes reflections to the liturgical aid, Give Us This Day. She has had two books published on lay preaching and has written two chapters published in edited books about preaching. Pat has written occasional articles for pastoral and liturgical journals, including several articles translated into Japanese for publication while she was in Kyoto. Pat has been a presenter for the Lectio Divinasessions at Baltimore Carmel. She has facilitated retreats, as well as workshops for ordained and lay preachers. Through her almost 60 years as a professed religious, Pat has been actively involved in committee and formation work for her religious congregation at the province and congregational levels. Pat made two trips to Latin America – a study tour of western Nicaragua, and volunteer ministry in Quito Ecuador at a hospital for children. Pat was invited to participate as a presenter in four meetings of the Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC) held in Cyprus between 2005-2008. Her presentations to medical professionals addressed topics related to spirituality and healthcare in the context of pediatric oncology.