Sister Teresa Maya is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio since 1994.  Her education ministry has spanned several decades: she has served as teacher, history professor, administrator, and speaker.  She has passion for formation of ministers for Hispanics/Latinas/os in the United States. She has a commitment to life-long learning and a strong conviction in the future of consecrated life.  Sister Teresa got her B.A. at Yale University, her M.A. at the Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley and the Ph.D. in El Colegio de Mexico in Mexico City.  She served fourteen years in the leadership of her religious institute and on the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) presidency from 2016-19. She currently accompanies other religious congregations as facilitator and consultant.

La Hermana Teresa Maya pertenece a la Congregación de las Hermanas de la Caridad del Verbo Encarnado desde 1994.  Su experiencia ministerial es en el área de educación.  Ha servido como maestra, profesora de historia y administradora.   Tiene una pasión por la formación de agentes para la pastoral hispana/latina en EUA.   Tiene un compromiso con la formación permanente y una convicción firme en el futuro de la vida consagrada. La Hermana Teresa curso el B.A. en la Universidad de Yale, el M.A. en el Graduate Theological Union en Berkeley y el Doctorado en El Colegio de México, en la Ciudad de México.  Sirvió catorce años en el liderazgo de su instituto religioso y en  la presidencia de la Conferencia de Religiosas de E.U.A. (LCWR) de 2016-19. Actualmente, acompaña a otras congregaciones religiosas como facilitadora y consultora.



November 27, 2022

First Sunday of Advent

Preparing the way is moving, walking in Jesus’ paths, and finding those he blessed, healed and accompanied.

May 28, 2017

Solemnity of the Ascension

...may we stop “looking up” and begin “looking around,” as we go forth on the mission of building the Reign of God!

All Preachers